How To Be A 10x Engineer


TechLead, in this episode about software engineering, will teach you how to become a 10X ninja rockstar engineer. After all, he is a self-confessed 10X (or 100X or 1000X?) engineer, and definitely not a 0.1X engineer! All jokes aside, TechLead dives into some key skills that you can pick up to become a productive and respected software engineer.

How did Patrick Shyu do it?
  • Taking ownership

Take ownership and control of your situation, instead of throwing up your hands and feeling helpless. Do not be afraid to dig around the ancient, debt-ridden code that you’re exposed to. Take ownership of fixing this code, and it becomes an opportunity for you to take ownership.

  • Execution

An engineer’s job is at the end of the day, execution. It doesn’t matter how much code you output, but how well your code solves a problem. However, you still need to be able to take an idea and be able to quickly bring it through reality.

  • Abstract Away Complexity

Building new systems, creating code generators, creating developer tooling. If you can take a complex system, and make it easier to both work with and understand, you will start saving time for everyone involved and multiplying your impact, and respect from your peers.

  • Multitasking

Or in TechLead’s setup, multi-multi tasking. If you want to increase productivity by 10X, you can just work on 10 computers instead of just one, right?