Daniel de Bruin

Daniel de Bruin is a designer of machine prototypes, devices, and tools. And when he is not, he creates interactive street installations.

Hailing from the Netherlands, Daniel de Bruin is a designer of prototypical machines, devices, and tools.

Fueled by a never-ending curiosity for the possibilities of machines, he models prototypes for the most bizarre applications. This includes a fully mechanical 3D printer, a scanner big enough for a human, and an interactive economy simulator using marbles.

His designs push the boundaries of machine design to the realm of the arts. And when you see his contraptions, I would not blame you if you thought they were sculptures or art installations.

“they challenge our understanding of mechanization and question an increasingly automated environment”

- Daniel

Daniel de Bruin is a one of a kind creator and his well-produced content is worth every minute.

Daniel de Bruin’s works.

Moniac, an analog installation inviting visitors to play with the economic system.

human scanner 1, a scanning machine which allows humans to travel through its inner architecture.

The Neurotransmitter 3000, a seven-meter-high construction controlled by the rider’s heart rate, muscle tension, body temperature, and orientation and gravity.

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Daniel de Bruin

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