Vegan Pad Thai & Vegan Pad Thai Sauce


If Thai cuisine had a representative, it would be Pad Thai. Perhaps Thailand’s most iconic and known dish, it would be surprising to most people when they learn that Pad Thai, Thailand’s most commonly served food, is less than a hundred years old. A national dish, Pad Thai is synonymous with Thailand. As Pad Thai was created to be a focal point for nation building, this dish is near and dear to every Thai person’s heart. 

Nin is no exception. She pays homage to it by showing us how to make Pad Thai as simple and eloquently as possible. Nin prepares a dish that is chewy, and vibrant. Delightfully plated with the wonderful balance of sweet and sour and just a little bit of kick.  All of this condensed in a beautifully shot video that is overlooked by nature.      

While the ingredients are available in most Asian groceries, Nin helps us out by providing links to where we can get them, in her description box.