
Feeling stressed? Try to disconnect from the world and free your mind from the feeling of uneasiness and tension by performing 60 Second Yoga Stretch Break For Stress with Quinn. She will teach you some yoga breathing techniques that can calm your body. You can do this anytime and anywhere you are!

  • Clams down your body 
  • Manage stress
  • Improve breathing
  • Helps to reduce or remove nausea
Positions You Can Do

1. Yoga At Your Desk

If you are currently sitting in your workspace or office, you can lean down towards your table like you are taking a nap.

2. Yoga On The Floor

Steps On How To Execute?
  1. Decide a comfortable position you want.
  2. Move your shoulders and let your shoulder blades fall down on your back. 
  3. Spread your upper back by making sure that your shoulder blades are away from your spine.
  4. Perform a 10 full breath cycle, take a deep breath and make sure that you slowly exhale the air from your body.
60 Sec Yoga Classes of Quinn That You Can Combine With This Exercise