RTX 3080 Review - Nvidia, you PROMISED!

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Product Review: RTX 3080

One of the latest releases of Nvidia, the RTX 3080 is the GPU that performs between the performance of the upcoming RTX 3070, and the premium RTX 3090. With the price equal to its predecessor, the RTX 2080, all while having its performance significantly better, we can only see how much of a steal this graphics card really is. With a huge leap in performance from the RTX 2080, and even leaving the RTX 2080 ti in the dust, the question now lies on whether it is worth getting the newly released GPU, or would it be better to wait for the release of the price friendlier version, the RTX 3070.

Save yourself from the hassle of overthinking by viewing Linus’ review of the new RTX 3080, and find out whether an upgrade is a much desirable turn with the release of this new powerful graphics card.