Leon Turetsky

Leon Turetsky is the founder and CEO of Back Intelligence, a health & wellness company that dedicates to help people to ease back pains and correct bad ergonomic postures with natural treatments that can be done even at home.

Leon Turetsky is a passionate professional dancer, entrepreneur, and a certified Corrective Exercise Specialist born in Minsk, Belarus. Leon had been suffering back pains for a long time and began to search for exercises and stretch routines that can help him be relieved. After a deep web search, he found out that most back pain advice was mostly generic and super hard to understand for a regular person. It motivated him to create a website, Back Intelligence, to help more people treat their back pains.

“Back Intelligence's mission is to make back pain easy to understand and help you manage it on your own, using natural methods, from home.”
Leon’s Certificates and Professions
  • Professional Ballroom Dancer
  • Corrective Exercise Specialist (NASM-CES)
  • Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT)
What others are saying.
“very helpful advise you can implement at home”

- Connie Armstrong

“This has been exactly what I  have been needing for years.  In 2001, I suffered from a Brain Aneryerm with only given a 10 percent chance of living. one of the results was my drop foot on right side,  which affected my balance and coordination. Over the years,  my walking improved,  but my posture and body form got worse (rounded shoulders, elongated neck, etc. ). I hope taking part with these exercises will become a  regular routine for me!! I  felt a difference just after completing one of the videos!!!  Thank you for this channel!!”

- Jashun LaKeith Gaddy-Gaskins

“All the advice is so spot on.  I am getting up in age and if you follow the suggestions, it does help the pain.  Posture is one of the big issues, in my estimation. It's like going to a gym or exercising at home . . . You have to stick to the program and if you do . . . You will see and feel results.  With this being said, Leon is a wealth of info and I'm glad that I came across his website!”

- Cathy Marie Dolliver

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Leon Turetsky

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