5 Practical Tips to Stop Overwatering Your Plants


Overwatering is the most common problem among plant parents. When bringing plants home for the first time, you might be guilty of overwatering. You might get too excited tending to those little buds that you might make constantly watering them a habit.

To help you curb this habit and be a better, more chill plant parent, here are five practical tips to stop overwatering your plants.

  1. Write down every single time you water them.
  2. Give your plants a mist.
  3. Hang your plants up someplace high.
  4. Make your soil work for you.
  5. Get more plants.

If you have helicopter parent tendencies, the tips above may greatly help you control your urges. Plants have varying needs, therefore, if one type requires regular watering, other types might not. It all boils down to the type of plant and the type of soil it is planted in. Be extra mindful of the state of your plant as well, as this is the only indicator you need on when to water them. Jen explains this in further detail in her video.