Enola Holmes Netflix Movie Review

Enola Holmes poster.jpeg

Movie Name: Enola Holmes

Genre: Mystery

Notable Actors: Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill, Helena Bonham Carter

IMDb Rating: 6.6/10

Rotten Tomatoes’ Average Tomatometer: 91%

Henry Cavill, Benedict Cumberbatch, Will Ferrel, and Robert Downey Jr. Just some of the many actors who have played the world's greatest detective. That may seem many, but it doesn't compare to the number of movie reviewers out there. While a lot of people have had their portrayal of Mr. Holmes, for passionate and objective reviews, there is only one Austin Burke. You won't need to be an expert on The Science of Deduction to know if this movie is bad or good. All you need is this video.

What others are saying.
“It definitely seems like they're trying to start a whole new franchise out of this, but it looks like fun. From the trailer, it did seem like they were going to go all in on the fourth wall breaking, which is something I'm mixed on in movies. But that aside, I think it'll be something I'll enjoy. Great review!”

- Nick’s Film Corner

“Your intro was great for this!  Haha!  I'm actually quite looking forward to this one.  Its exciting to see Millie Bobbie Brown branch out and it would be fun if she got her own franchise with this.  Great review Austin 👏”

- Lost In the Reel