How to Propagate A Cactus


Taking care of your cactus is more than just making sure it stays alive. It could also involve propagation so your small plant family slowly grows into a nursery. Plant propagation is the process which grows new plants from a variety of sources: seeds, cuttings, and other plant parts. In this video, you’ll learn one of the many ways you can propagate a cactus. Jon teaches you how through cutting.

Steps For Plant Propagation.
  1. Pat down the soil of your choice so it’s nice and compact, ready to receive the cuttings.
  2. Add your choice of fertilizer to the soil.
  3. Get the necessary tools for cutting.
  4. Get a stake and make room for the cactus cutting on the soil.
  5. Repeat step 4 until you’ve successfully planted all of the cuttings on the soil.
  6. The size is completely your preference. It doesn’t matter if the cuttings are big or small.
  7. As you take out the cuttings, push the parent cactus back down to ensure it is still securely in place.
  8. After you’re down, pat down the area around the cuttings to make sure they’re planted in properly.
  9. Add a little bit of water to dampen the soil.
  10. Planting cactus cuttings into the soil should work. If the cutting does not have a root, just make sure it is clean-cut before planting it into the soil.

Following these steps should result in the successful propagation of your cactus. For an in-depth look at these instructions and a time-lapse of the process, head on to this video.

Additional references.