Restorative Yoga for Lower Back Pain

Remember to consult a health care professional first if you’ve been suffering from severe back pain before performing this program.

Experiencing lower back pain can affect your performance in life. According to a study of WHO, the cause of this pain is usually caused by heavy labor work, poor ergonomics, depression, and anxiety. Dr. Melissa West designed a restorative yoga class that can help you rest and relax your lower back. Enjoy its calming and therapeutic effect on your mind and body as she guides you on your yoga practices. Remember to consult a health care professional first if you’ve been suffering from severe back pain before performing this program.

What to expect?

Restorative Yoga for Lower Back Pain is a 50-minute video of a slow-paced yoga. This session holds long yoga poses that enable deep relaxation and activates a feeling of security. To prepare yourself, you’ll be needing props such as a bolster, chair/sofa, yoga blocks, and blanket.

Props you will use
  • Bolster
  • Chair/couch
  • Yoga blocks

If in case you don’t have a bolster or yoga blocks, you can use a stack of pillows or rolled blankets as an alternative.

7 Restorative Postures
  1. Supported Sphinx Pose (Bhujangasana): Beginner friendly posture that helps to reduce spine pressure. You can also use Supportive Back Bend as an alternative to this posture.
  2. Supported Child's Pose (Balasana): This pose is often used for resting after an intense yoga sequence.
  3. Supported Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana): A cool down posture that promotes relaxation. This pose also helps your digestion.
  4. Legs-On-The-Chair Pose: Super easy pose that relaxes your back, legs, and mind.
  5. Supine Spinal Twist Pose (Supta Matsyendrasana): A beginner-level pose for stretching back muscles. It also promotes good blood circulation which helps your digestive system.
  6. Corpse Pose (Savasana): Dr. Melissa modified this pose by using a bolster to support the back of your knees. This pose helps you unwind and decrease blood pressure. 
  7. Back Mudra: This helps to strengthen your back. You can practice this posture four times a day for four minutes.