3 Exercises To Fix Posture & Boost Thoracic Mobility

Always seek advice from your doctor for any concerns you may have about your health or medical condition.

It's necessary that we stretch our shoulders and back to improve our body posture whenever we stand, sit, or walk. When the body does different or new ranges of motion, it usually doesn't move in and activates the muscles that will help strengthen the muscle memory and neural control of the body.

Dr. Nicholas Nguyen designed his exercise to improve your Thoracic Mobility, which helps to promote correct body posture. These exercises can help your body be stronger and can also prevent sporting injuries that require movement of arms above your head.

Exercises To Help Improve Your Thoracic Mobility

1. Thoracic Sprinklers

Exercise that helps activate your back muscles and mobilizes your spine.

  1. Kneel on a lunge position then place your hip and shoulder against the wall (of the same side).
  2. Move the other arm in rotational motion away from the other arm that is placed against the wall.
  3. Perform this movement for 15 to 20 times on both sides.
  4. Repeat for 3 to 4 sets.
2. Half-Kneeling Rotations

This exercise focuses on stretching the Anterior Deltoid, Biceps, and Pectoral muscles in all ranges of motion.

  1. Kneel on a lunge position. Ensure that your hip is against the wall.
  2. Place your arm (same side as the hip that is against the wall) on the wall.
  3. Gently draw a circle backward with this arm.
  4. Perform this movement for 15 to 20 times on both sides.
  5. Repeat for 3 to 4 sets.
3. Child’s Pose & Rotation

A soothing stretch that will decompress your lower back muscles. This also helps to improve shoulder joint mobility and flexibility.

  1. Gently sit back on your heels.
  2. Raise both of your hands upward.
  3. Slowly stretch your body down on the floor.
  4. Push your hips back towards to your feet.
  5. Move your hand up and backward as if you are drawing a large arc.
  6. Perform this movement for 15 to 20 times on both sides.
  7. Repeat for 3 to 4 sets on both sides.
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“I love his instructions. He does not babble. He is focused and really gives great simple efficient instructions. Love you!”

-Rosemarie Andrews

“I've been using your videos to improve myself. Your advice and techniques are very valid to me. Thank you so much for sharing this knowledge. Thank you.”

- cubicghost

“Excellent video. Loved how you explained it really slowly for the newbies to exercises”

- exploreyourweb