What An Anesthesia Resident Carries At Work


What are the things that the Anesthesiologist brings at work? Max will show you the tools, medications, and other goodies that are necessary to have on him at all times.

Things Max brings as an Anesthesiologist.

1. Unique identifier

2. Airway

3. Monitoring

  • Stethoscopes
  • Nerve Monitor
  • Pulse Oximeter

4. Access

  • 20 Gauge Needles
  • Alcohol Pads
  • Tegaderm & Tape

5. Nutrition

  • Protein Shake

6. Electronics

  • Phone Charger
  • Wireless Headphones

7. Drugs

  • Sugammadex
  • Haloperidol or Haldol
  • Hydralazine
  • Atropine, Phenylephrine, ePHEDrine, Labetalol

8. Miscellaneous

  • Thyroid Shield
  • Fanny Pack