Morning Sun Salutations For Bigger Bodies


All types of bodies are beautiful, and losing confidence in them might be lonely. We should not surrender to darkness and criticisms of the norms in our society. Have the courage to step out into your shadow and break free from its chains.

Yoga will provide security and confidence you need to help yourself grow! You can start performing a morning routine with Zelinda especially designed to help beginner yogis who have bigger bodies. Perform modified yoga poses with high intensity from start to end.

What other people are saying.
“Thank you! I can’t wait to try this tomorrow. Update: Great way to start the morning. I have wanted to do sun salutations, and now I can. I love that I can progress at my own pace. I feel ready to start my day.” 

-Colleen Hatton

“Thank you for showing us wonderful videos for different bodies shapes! I’ve started watching in late May and I appreciate your time and many different positions for everyone to follow. I’ve had back pains for a long time and every morning I practice watching your videos and have felt a drastic change! Thank you I hope you will continue to post more videos in the future!"

-Daniela Frey