Interactive Marble Machine Economy Simulator


The MONIAC is an interactive mechanical installation sculpture. It demonstrates the flow of consumption and goods in an economic system using ingenious mechanical designs and setups.

Whereas most artworks are behind an off-limits sign, the MONIAC needs an actual person to initiate the process. One person has to crank a shaft to start the “cash flow”- a sort of invisible hand to jumpstart the economy, if you may.

A person cranks a lever to power the machine.

The installation can be operated by up to four people at a time. They can spend and earn “money” in the form of metal marbles. They can also invest in a business, work harder, speculate on the stock market, and even gamble. This is executed in a variety of games on the machine with the appropriate risks and benefits.

A person can decide to spend a number of marbles to buy a gumball.

Daniel’s ingenuity in design once again shines in this conceptual marvel.

The MONIAC is available to rent or buy. And if you want to learn more or inquire about his other works, Daniel’s website is at

What others are saying.
“THIS is ART! Intelligent, well told and good craftsmanship!”

- Herr Leonhardt