5 Good Habits I Learned from Medical School

The content of this video does not constitute medical advice and just for general educational purposes only.

Dr. Kevin Jubba shares all the good habits he learned from entering medical and residency that you can also pick up for your journey to be a doctor.

Dr. Kevin’s 5 Good Habits.

1. Be statistically literate & be less swayed by the media.

2. Pay closer attention to health.

3. Force yourself to optimize learning & efficiency.

4. Build confidence from overcoming challenges.

5. Hone discipline & work ethic.

What others are saying.
“I'm a final year med student from India and you inspire me whenever I really need that motivation!”

- Collin Raju George

“another strong solid video! really inspiring to get me through my afternoon slump!”

- MintChocChip100

“thank you for this i’m so excited to go to med school and become an orthopaedic surgeon! i’ve been doing so much research!!!❤️❤️”

- Jay L