50 Chain Reaction Tricks


Sirgabealot is back with one of his most challenging endeavors. He showcases a compilation of original rube goldberg machine setups he designed.

It took him a year to conceptualize, set up, attempt, and record this massive compilation of original machine setups.

We have curated our favorites from Sirgabealot’s bag of tricks. We arranged them from the most complex setups to the ones we can *probably* do in our homes. Check it out below!

Complex Setups.
  1. Loose!-  calculate trajectory, aim, release the catapults! What a shame it was not a trebuchet.
  2. Moving Billiard Ball Modules- Sirgabealot agrees.
  3. Whirlpool Madness- where do you get a small whirlpool lamp?
  4. Parallel Pulleys- what even happened?
  5. Whirlin Dervish- machines with a lot of parts tend to fail more, Sirgabealot does not hear you.
  6. Siege Works- opening large gates and drawbridges looks so cool.
  7. Wind Energy- save the Earth.
Easy and Accessible Setups.
  1. Slick Slinky- who isn’t happy seeing slinky fall down steps?
  2. A Little Help from Doggo- ask a bit of assistance from your pooch.
  3. Track-building reaction- a chain where the next object’s path is laid simultaneously.
  4. Law of Action and Reaction - a setup using a Newton’s cradle.
  5. The Highest Bead- a setup that can increase the duration of the reaction
  6. Leap of Faith- a simple jump from a height could add momentum to your setups.
  7. 7. You Should have Gone for the Head- Sirgabealot helps save the world from a catastrophic snap.
What others are saying.

“This is hands down one of the best machine videos I have ever seen. There has always been this quality vs quantity tradeoff. Videos with more machine clips tend to have clips of lower quality, just by nature, and vice versa. Most recently, many machine screenlinks have had under 20 clips as a result. But this video? It completely breaks the trend. You've created, as one individual builder , something incredibly rare and special: a machine screenlink that is as good as it is long.”

- TheRGMGuy01