Massage Ball Techniques For Shoulder Pain

Always seek advice from your doctor for any concerns you may have about your health or medical condition. This massage technique is not recommended for people experiencing more severe shoulder pains.

Are you suffering from shoulder pains? Ashley created ball massaging techniques that you can use to alleviate this pain. All you need is a Lacrosse ball and a sock to perform this shoulder massage!

Focus Areas
  • Chest (Pectorals)
  • Front of the shoulder (Anterior Deltoid)
  • Side of the shoulder (Medial Deltoid)
  • Back of the shoulder (Posterior Deltoid & Infraspinatus)
  • Top of the shoulder (Upper Trapezius)
  • Alongside the spine (Spinal erectors)
Tips To Use Massage Balls Effectively
  • Find the tender point on your body, hold and press for 30 seconds
  • To avoid muscle soreness, only use the ball once per spot and proceed to other areas
  • It is recommended to perform ball massage every other day
  • You can increase the holding period to 60 seconds once you get used to it.
Where To Get Lacrosse Ball?

Ashley personally used and recommended these Lacrosse Ball on Amazon.