Top 10 Films of the Decade: 1940s


Heart-felt, alluring, noir just some of the common “themes” of the 1940's cinema, other than Humphry Bogart, of course. Watching films from this era can be intimidating for most. The lack of a green screen and CGI might deter even the most common moviegoer. With Matt's video, he shows us that we don't need to watch all of this era's movies to get a taste and feel of what it can offer. While CGI and special effects now take over the modern cinema, we'll always have Paris.

Top 10 films of the 1940’s.
  • The Great Dictator
  • Bicycle Thieves
  • Double Indemnity
  • The Treasure of the Sierra Madra
  • Brief Encounter
  • Rope
  • Philadelphia Story
  • The Third Man
  • Notorious
  • It’s a Wonderful Life
  • Casablanca
  • Citizen Kane