Power Vinyasa Yoga Workout Flow


Searching for a short but powerful yoga workout? Tim modified his traditional version of Power Vinyasa Yoga Workout Flow into a 25-minute class which is suitable for everyone! 

What is Power Vinyasa Flow?

Power Vinyasa Flow contains intense and energetic yoga sequences. This yoga style can improve flexibility, balance, cardio, stamina, body and mental strength at the same time. 

Benefits of Power Vinyasa Flow
  • Boost Blood Circulation & Improve Pulse Rate

Executing powerful yoga sequences will trigger your body to pump up fresh oxygenated blood to your organs. Good blood circulation will not only help decrease blood pressure but can also promote stability on your pulse rate.

  • Improves Breathing

Controlled breathing exercises from yoga improves respiration which makes the lungs be more efficient.

  • Increase In Metabolism

Intense yoga poses will build body strength and increase your metabolism that can help your body burn unwanted body fats.