Yoga for Depression and Emotional Balance


The feeling of prolonged emptiness, hopelessness, and loss of interest were the common emotions that drive people to feel depressed. This condition is considered as a serious mental illness which already affects 264 million globally. Harvard Mental Health Letter suggests that a physical activity such as yoga will help people to regulate their stress response. 

Dr. Melissa organized a 42 minute intermediate Hatha Yoga class for depression to help you relax, meditate, and improve your body's energy. Even though she designed an intermediate class, she selected yoga poses that can be easily performed regardless of your level. At the end of the day, you’ll learn how to use depression as a gateway to enlightenment and self-transformation. This unique yoga teaching approach has helped her students to be inspired and overcome their feeling of depression. 

Inspirational Comments From Her Students
“I had been experiencing a relapse with my depression that I hadn't encountered in over a year in a half. Tools like this have always been so valuable for me, and what I appreciated the most about today's flow was you asking us to sit with the depression without applying judgments or stories to it. Reminding us that it's also one of the greatest portals to enlightenment. It feels less heavy when we can see it like that, because it's what I see as just feeling so raw. That's what I've felt mine has been. I have to actively get past the point of applying the judgments or stories, and all that's left when I sit with it is the word RAW. Lots of wonderful insights and teachings today. Thank you for all that you do!”

-Lunaea Mystical Movement

“I had been doing your videos for 3-4 months and then I went for a trip and when I came back I just didn't feel like doing any yoga - or any other activity. I've been in a sluggish state for a month now - binge watching a tv series, sleeping late, just doing the minimum to get by at work and life. I keep thinking of doing your class but can't bring myself to it. Finally coaxed myself into doing this video today. Thank you for making videos for all levels of energy. I hope this can get me moving again. I am not sure if I have depression, I am in the medical field myself and reading the list of signs doesn't help me figure it out. I have been to therapy and it helped me in many ways but this 'sluggishness' still crops up from time to time. Its good to have your videos because its one activity I can do without having to get out of the house when my motivation is low. Thank you.”
