Slow Cooker Butter Chicken Curry


This is about the easiest curry recipe that you can make from scratch. It’s the perfect recipe if you don’t want to rely on the instant or pre-packed curry mixes. It’s rich, flavourful, and mild. Though, Slow Cooking Perfected notes that you can add some kick to it by mixing in a couple teaspoons of chili paste, if you prefer.

Ingredient list
  • 1 Tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 1 Tbsp. butter
  • 1 Onion
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 2 Tbsp. Tomato Paste
  • 2 400ml/13 ½ Oz Can coconut cream
  • 4 Chicken Breasts

Curry Spices.

  • 1 tsp. cumin
  • 1 tsp. ground ginger
  • 2 tsp. garam masala
  • 1 tsp. ground coriander
  • 1 tsp. ground cardamom
  • ½ tsp. paprika
  • 1 tsp. ground turmeric
Where do I get these?

Most of these ingredients can be found in almost all groceries. If you’re having a tough time looking for some of the spices, you can check your Asian grocers, as well.

What others are saying.
“Love it ! simple to make & oh so tasty, thanks for posting :)”


“Not sure if i have all of those seasonings, but this is my favorite recipe so far in my research :)”

-Adryanna Mosley

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