
Filo pastries always appear really hard to make, but Meliz seems to always have a way to make things easier for us. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to make this buttery and flaky pastry. With Meliz holding your hand, you won’t ever again lose your way in the kitchen.
While it seems impossible to not dig in when the oven timer finally dings, sütlü börek is best enjoyed when fully cool. In fact, it’s even better the next day after being stored in the fridge. So, try to hold off until then. 

Ingredient list

For the syrup

1 large cinnamon stick 

1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice 

300ml water 

280g caster sugar 

2 tbsp honey 

1 1/2 tbsp rose water 

Semolina custard.

800ml whole or semi-skimmed milk

120g fine semolina 

150ml caster sugar 

1 egg, whisked 

1/4 tsp ground cinnamon (optional, or just a pinch if you prefer)


One pack of filo (10-12 sheets)

150g butter, melted

2 tbsp vegetable based oil

To serve

Crushed almonds or pistachios, icing sugar 

Where do I get these?

Most of these ingredients can be found in almost all groceries.

What others are saying.
“These look delicious!!”

-Maria Artelaris

“So easy and delicious, well done gorgeous ❤️”

-Nese Anil

Blog post : http://melizskitchen.blogspot.com/2020/05/sutlu-borek.html