Massage Techniques For Foot Pain

Always seek advice from your doctor for any concerns you may have about your health or medical condition.

One of the body parts that we often use is our feet. Providing too much tension and stress to it might cause Plantar Fasciitis. According to health experts, this condition is one of the causes of heel pain where a person can experience severe pain and inflammation on the Plantar Fascia, a thick band of tissue found in the base of your feet extending from your heels to your toes.  

If you are looking for ways to lessen and relieve yourself from excruciating pains on your heels, Dr. Nicholas Nguyen massage techniques are perfect for you! Just follow his detailed step-by-step instructions and feel the results to yourself.

Foot Massage Techniques

1. Longitudinal Stripping

This technique uses a steady, long-stroke parallel to muscle fibers to maximize the length and elasticity of muscle fibers.

You Need
  • Moisturizing cream/lotion
  • Towel
How to do this?
  1. Apply moisturizing cream/lotion on the base of your foot.
  2. Glide down your thumbs from the heel up towards to your toes.
  3. Apply enough pressure as you massage your foot. (Please do not press too hard as it might cause injury to your thumbs or bruise your foot.)
  4. If you like to add more pressure, you can practice the Double Thumb Technique, place one thumb on top of the other.
  5. Perform this massage for 1 to 2 minutes.

Note: You can take a rest before switching on your other foot.

2. Cross Fibre Massage

A massage technique that focuses on the foot fibers.

You Need
  • Moisturizing cream/lotion
  • Towel
How to do this?
  1. Apply a moisturizing cream/lotion on the base of your foot.
  2. Use the Double Thumb Technique when gliding your thumb on your foot sideways.
  3. Slowly perform this for at least 20 strokes on each area .
  4. Return to that area for 4 to 6 times.

Alternative Tools You Can Use

Thumb Saver

Chinese Soup Spoon

Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) Tool

Massage Ball

3. Foot Scissors

One of the easiest ways to massage the Plantar Fascia

How to do this?
  1. Hold your foot using both of your hand.
  2. Gently shuffle your foot back and forth.
  3. Perform this for at least 20 shuffles on each area.
  4. Repeat for 3 to 4 times each foot.

4. Ice Bottle Massage

This helps to cool down your foot after performing massaging techniques.

How to do this?
  1. Freeze water on a plastic bottle overnight.
  2. Place it on the floor and put your feet on top of the bottle.
  3. Slowly roll the water bottle using your foot. There’s no need to apply excessive pressure on your foot.
  4. Perform this for 5 minutes on each foot for at least 3 to 4 times.