5 Easy DIY Paint Accent Wall Ideas


How a room is designed anchors on how you use it. On the other hand, style is how you express yourself. Don’t be disheartened if right now your room looks like any generic room with white walls. You can easily make it more stylish and more you with paint accent walls.

An accent wall is an interior wall whose design or style differs from the rest of the room. This is where you want to draw the eye of anyone who visits your room. One way to do this is to use paint. Alexandra shares 5 easy DIY paint accent wall ideas you can try.

1. The circle headboard

2. The half wall headboard

3. The giant circle

4. The magic eraser wall

5. The scalloped wall

Any of these 5 ideas can really boost the vibe and charm of your room. They’re really easy to do and they don’t take too much of your time. For a more detailed instruction on how to do these paint accent wall ideas, watch Alexandra’s video.

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