
There has been a recent trend in taking indoor plants as a new hobby in the middle of this pandemic. Taking care of indoor plants not only gives you something to do, but it also offers a sense of pride and achievement once those little seedlings pop up into beautiful greens. But what if you’re an aspiring plant parent who lives in the middle of a concrete jungle?

Don’t worry, Gloria has 5 low light plants recommendations for you to choose from.

  1. Sansevieria Fernwoo - Watering interval of 2 weeks
  2. ZZ Raven- Slow growing, avoid overwatering
  3. Aglaonema Silver Bay - Chinese Evergreen, water once a week
  4. ZZ Plant- Water every 1-2 weeks
  5. Arrowhead Plant- Water once every 5 to 7 days

Just because a plant is low light, does not mean it doesn’t require maintenance anymore. A low light plant is easy to take care of because it’s low maintenance; and generally less needier than other plant species. The plants enumerated by Gloria will do well enough in dim areas, so long as they are watered and groomed right on schedule.