Exercises For Tennis Elbow

It is not advisable to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Always seek advice from your doctor for any concerns you may have about your health and medical condition.

Ashley made a 16-minute video to help us more understand Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis), a condition that causes difficulty or pain when moving your elbow. He will also share some stretching, massaging, and strengthening techniques that you can do at home to alleviate or prevent this pain.

What is Tennis Elbow?

Medical experts found out that overusing the tendons on your forearm muscle can cause Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis). This condition is not only common with athletes but also can occur with people who are performing repetitive gripping activities on their work or hobbies.

What Others Are Saying
“Again I really hope you get more attention these are great videos and you're great at articulating all your points clearly and simply that's the sign of a man that knows what he's talking about.”

- Logic

“Thank you a lot, I have both a tennis elbow AND a golfer elbow on my right arm, this helped.”

- chongtak

“Thank you for the information. I used a tennis ball to roll.  It feels good but pain at the same time.”

- JJ Jan