
A very popular and common English side dish, Yorkshire pudding is versatile, easy to make, and sure to impress. It certainly holds true that almost every English household has their own way and recipe to make this savory dish. For Meliz’s case, hers is an adaptation of her beloved mum’s recipe.    

Ingredient list

200ml semi skimmed or full fat milk

4 medium eggs large eggs 

100g sifted plain flour

1/2 tsp sunflower oil 

1 pinch of salt

100g coarsely grated hellim (halloumi cheese)

1 level tbsp dried mint

1 tsp each Nigella seeds and sesame seeds

Where do I get these?

Most of these ingredients can be found in almost all groceries.

What others are saying.

“I love these! Was the first recipe of yours I tried” 


“A lovely cooking. Thanks for sharing.”

-Kikel Pryo Handoko

Blog post: http://melizskitchen.blogspot.com/2019/06/hellimli-halloumi-yorkshire-puddings.html